My son started preschool this fall. One of the things I love about his school is that they do crafts every day. The teachers are very creative with the crafts, and they use the time as an opportunity for the kids to manipulate all kinds of mediums. Here are some of my favorite projects so far:
Apple Trees. I was parent of the day when they made these. The branches are handprints, they used their arms to stamp the trunk, and dotted red apples with their pointer fingers.
String Leaves. They did these by dragging string through the paint, then across the paper.
Paper Plate Pumpkins. An easy one: paper plate, orange paint, cut out eyes, nose, and mouth.
Marble Spider Web. Similar to the String Leaves, but this time rolling marbles in black paint then across the page.
Turkey. This may be my current favorite. The handprint turkey where each finger was painted a different color for the tail and the palm and thumb made the body and head. Add legs, waddle, and beak plus a google eye. The teacher wrote what each kid said they were thankful for. Jackson said, "My rooster and my chickens." We were asked before leaving if we had chickens, or if Jack was making up tales. In an earlier activity, he said he was thankful for "his mom and dad and brother Jonah."
Pudding Paint Bear. Self explanatory with google eyes.
I'm looking forward to the upcoming projects. I hear they're making gingerbread men from sandpaper next week.
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